Hello and welcome to my blog! I'm so very grateful you've taken the time the read this short message about this blog. I plan to use this space to share topics on all things related to QHHT and the information we frequently see come from a QHHT session or would be in alignment with that. This could be topics on spirituality, book reviews, session clips and stories, and more. Maybe I'll even toss in some interesting and funny memes. If you follow me on Facebook or Instagram, you'll see I'm loaded with them. ;-)

If you are curious about QHHT, myself, or you're simply just poking around on my site. Please do kick off your shoes and feel free to relax here a bit. There's a chat button on my site where you can reach out to me with any questions you might have. Of course, if I'm in the middle of conducting a session or simply busy, I may not be able to get back to you right away. But I will do my best to return your message asap. If you don't receive a quick response, shoot me a message at my contact me page, or email me at: codymitchell@wavingtree.me

About the name "Waving Tree Hypnosis"
I bet you might be curious, what does "Waving Tree" mean, and what does it have to do with Hypnosis? Well I'm glad you asked! At least I'm assuming you must be since you're still reading this. ;-) When I came up with this name, I really didn't want to go with the common spiritual theme like "Awakened yadda yadda" or "Divine blah blah blah". Even though a big part of QHHT is digging into that deeper part of ourselves that connects us with our higher self, I really wanted to bring something friendly and wholesome in what my name/brand would convey, and that would hopefully appeal to many people. I guess I could have also used my name Cody Mitchell and added QHHT to it. Who knows, maybe someday my brand identity will be just that. But for now, and the foreseeable future, it's Waving Tree all the way!
When I imagine a tree waving, I think of it as something that is sentient. It's looking back at you and welcoming you with it's energy, as it waves to you, inviting you to come sit with it. That tree is a being that has survived harsh storms and weather, while staying there growing bigger, rooting deeper, and observing the environment around it over hundreds if not thousands of years. It's gained much wisdom over time, with inspiring stories to tell, and deep advice to give while you sit at the base of it protected by its canopy of leaves. That tree is you, it's me, it's everyone. As all is one, and one is all. So everyone has access to all the information the need to know, they simply need to trust, ask, and observe the first feeling, knowing, or sensation that comes to them during hypnosis.
When I break it down to each single word. Waving reminds me of a waveform, and in this case a brainwave. While in hypnosis, we are working in that Theta brainwave state. A place where you are still conscious but have access to deeper knowledge. I also get the imagery of a spiral in my minds eye. Tree is something that grows, roots, and changes over time through the seasons. Just as we do as we grow through our human life learning lessons, understanding more about ourselves, and becoming our best selves.

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Thank you for taking the time to learn about more about Waving Tree Hypnosis. If you are curious about my services, Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique, or just have a general question, please contact me and I'll be happy to help.